This incline was at the Eaglesbush mine on the Briton Ferry Estate and was about one mile and a half south of Neath and was one of the oldest and most fiery mines in the district. The seam of coal worked - it was bituminous and very `binding`- was four feet thick. Extraction was on the `pillar and stall system`. Entrance to the main heading was by a drift six feet high by five and a half feet wide, dipping with the coal for about 880 yards. The coal was drawn up this inclined plane by a stationary engine, in trams about 25 cwt, on a railway three feet two inches gauge. Cross-headings were at right angles, rising only enough to drain water. They were the same size as the drift and one hundred yards apart. Stalls were driven at right angles to the cross-headings, they were six yards wide and 50 to 80 yards long. Horses were used to draw coal from the stalls to the engine incline.