Thursday 24th - Goosy Goose
I finished work at lunchtime and headed to Wimpole Hall for the afternoon to see the geese. The tundra bean goose was the closest goose, but the Russian whitefronts had been flushed to the lake. Barnacle, Greylag, Canada and Egyptian geese also present. I made it back to car before the rain set in and headed home.
Sunday 20th - Owl's That
I was at Woodwalton Fen for first light, the four cars that had beaten me were fishermen so I had the reserve to myself, it was a lovely sunrise and it warmed nicely over the few hours I wandered round the reserve. It was pretty quiet a couple of marsh harriers, red kite and a flock of redpolls. Mammal wise only 4 chinese water deer and singles of muntjac and grey squirrel. I headed off to Deeping lakes where 4 long eared owls were showing nicely in the sunshine and at a closer roosting site than usual so the views were good. I stopped for some Chips on the way home.
Chips - Rumbles, Brampton - Burger and Chips 7.5/10
Saturday 19th - Beautiful Bustard
An early start and I was in Letcombe Regis just after 8, the great Bustard however was not. Locals informed the small group now forming that it preferred to arrive late morning - doh! I waited it out with an hour in the car during a torrential rainstorm. By early afternoon numbers had dwindled to three and I was considering calling it a day. But the sun was poking out from behind the clouds and from nowhere the bustard flew in. It showed incredibly well feeding in a stubble field until the sun dropped and I headed for home.
Chips - Smarts, High Wycombe - Burger and chips 8.5/10
Friday 18th - Blustery Broads
An early start and after a brief stop for daisy and striated earthstars I made it to Ranworth. Here I could not find the red necked grebe despite an extensive search. After a tourist stop and chips I went to Winterton to see the grey seals along with bonus Iceland and Caspian gulls on the beach. The weather was less than ideal a strong cold wind which made finding the Slavonian grebe and scaup at Ormesby broad tricky, but found they were. But no sign of the long tailed duck at Filby broad. I headed to Stubbs Mill for the raptor roost in rather cold and blustery weather. The raptors did not seem to mind, the pick a male hen harrier showing close in along with 25 cranes, almost 40 marsh harriers and a ringtail hen harrier to finish the day off nicely.
Chips - Taylors Chip shop, Martham - Battered Sausage, Chips and pickled Egg - 9/10
Thursday 17th - Glossy gaggle
Monday 14th - Dusky Done
I returned to Aldreth on a much nicer morning, and it was not too long before I picked up the call of the dusky warbler and it showed very well right in front of me before flying into the ditch where two other birders were. I joined them and we watched it off and on for a while showing nicely. I popped to Manea where at least a dozen common cranes were in a distant field before heading to work.
Sunday 13th - Drenched Dusky
I popped to Aldreth first thing, stopping to view a field that contained all three swan species, mute, Whooper and Bewick's. In Aldreth was Cambridgeshire's first dusky warbler, it showed a couple of times always skuling and low down. The weather got worse so I called it a day stopping in Ely for Muscovy ducks on the way home,
Saturday 28th - Bunting Brace
I had a leisurely start ending up at Thursley common, on the walk I came across another birder who had collapsed, I offered assistance but his friend said he was OK, on the return walk paramedics were assisting him, so I hope he was OK. On arrival there was a surprisingly large number of birders assembled round a clump of trees and bushes that had escaped the recent fire that had gutted the surrounding habitat. The little bunting showed first, briefly and obscured but it did show a little better later. The rustic bunting showed reasonable well a couple of times but the poor light made it difficult to get a decent photo. But a nice trip out.
Chips - Sinclair's Chip Shop, Milford - Battered sausage, pea fritter and chips 8/10
Friday 27th - Mouse Box Mk I
I completed the first run of my mouse camera trap box, it worked fairly well with wood mouse and bank vole captured on the camera. It needs a few tweeks, water is getting in in the heavy rain so some drain holes are needed and the back of the box needs a matt finish as I am getting flash glare but apart from those minor changes it is completed and ready to delpoy for a longer period of testing.
Sunday 22nd - Cracked for the Crag Martin
I could not resist being at Kingsdown at Dawn with a rather small group hoping for the crag martin to appear from roost. The light was pretty poor when it made its appearance flying up and down the cliff feeding on insects before landing on the cliff, it did this a couple of times before heading off never to be seen again that day. I headed to Worth Marsh to see the Eastern yellow wagtail but no sign, a Mediterranean gull was the only bird of note before I headed home.
Saturday 21st - Squirrel Saturday
I popped out to see a couple of cool fungi, the Coral tooth that was just slightly past its best and the impressive devils fingers. Plenty of other fungi seen including some nice waxcaps. On the way home I popped in to Letchworth to see the Black squirrels which were showing nicely including one unusually marked one with white ear tufts.
Friday 20th - Fowlmere Friday
I headed to Fowlmere arriving at dawn, I had not been for a quite a while and now I remember why, rude joggers ignoring the one way system, increasing amounts of fencing blocking access to areas that used to be open and very nervous deer (following the culling on the reserve which started a few years back). I spent a couple of hours on site, the hides were closed so not a lot of water birds seen but I did manage 5 mammal species, muntjac, fallow deer, brown hare, grey Squirrel and a brief water shrew. Birdwise a treecreeper and winter thrushes the highlights. I headed to Burwell for the rest of the morning but it was largely birdless a few duck with a pair of stonechat the pick. 13 Roe deer the only mammals seen before I headed to work.
Wednesday 18th - Fungi and Flowers in the Forest
After emptying the moth trap of just 5 silver Y's, I popped to Thetford Forest for a wander for a few hours before work on a rather pleasant morning. The sun had opened some flowers and There was still plenty of fungi still around most of which I could not identify but one I could was the cracking Purple Brittlegill. .
Friday 13th - Oxshott Aliens
I managed a brief trip to Surrey after work, where in the woods of Oxshott as the light was fading I managed (with some good gen) to locate some anemone stinkhorn fungi. An accidental introduction from the southern hemisphere at its only UK site and one I have not been able to find in the past. I found the group with an unhatched egg and a wider search I managed to locate another one just going over.
Monday 9th - Dull Dunwich
I popped to Dunwich after work, the weather was lovely until I reached the coast which was dull and misty. The shingle walk was a good test of my knee and I came through it unscathed. The Greater yellowlegs was showing nicely in the pools. A kingfisher and spotted redshank also seen but I missed the eastern yellow wagtails, but the return walk produced a red deer stag and a common seal.
Wednesday 4th - Western Wander
It was an early and frosty start for a visit to a clover field near Malvern where the cracking yellow dodder was growing parasitizing the clover. I made a touristy stop before heading to Draycote Water to see the great northern divers. Luckily one of them was close to the car park and showing very well close into the shore. The other was too far away to walk down to see so I headed off making one last stop in Northamptonshire on the way home. Here was some Hungarian clover on the edge of an arable field. I saw a few fallow deer on the edge of my village as I made It home just after dusk.
Tuesday 3rd - Lovely Legs
I made a leisurely start avoiding the worst of the weather ending up in Cley to see the rather confiding Lesser yellowlegs it was still a bit drizzly and a few showers but not too bad. I had some nice views of this very showy bird. I made a stop at an arable field that had plenty of flowers including a few poppies and corn marigolds. I had some lunch before spending the rest of the day in Thetford forest. I hobbled around Lyndford Arboretum and one random area looking for fungi. The forest held plenty almost none that I could identify. There were plenty of redwings and a small flock of siskinredpolls and a couple of muntjac but not much else seen.
Thursday 29th - Wet and Windy Wetland
I headed to Lakenheath RSPB after work heading out onto the reserve after a massive downpour, it was very windy keeping the birds down and I spotted very little on the way to the Joist viewpoint apart from a hunting kestrel. But little from here either apart from a distant marsh harrier battling the wind. Ominous black clouds appeared and I headed back to the car but did not make it before the heavens opened. There were a few plants still in flower such as common mallow, field pansy, white campion which brightened up the walk back despite the deluge.
Sunday 25th - South Coast Soaking
I headed down to the South Coast where the Jersey pink had recently been discovered. Alan Lewis had beaten me to it and was evaluating the storm damage, and it was not pretty so a return next year is in order. We teamed up and headed into the New Forest for a Fungus Foray in rather wet weather but still found some very nice fungi including the very rare lion's Mane, Amethyst deceiver, Beech jellycup, and the impressive lichen amongst the rain showers. I stopped to search for earthstars in a local cemetery but only found one striated earthstar and made a stop briefly for some Southern polypody in Winchester on the way home.
Chips - Goodies Fish and Chips, Totton - Battered Sausage, Pea fritter, pickled egg and chips. 6/10
Friday 23rd - Moth Catch up
Two nights suitable for moth trapping this week, running just my actinic trap produced low numbers of moths but a very nice selection on both nights. Red green carpet, winter moth, November Moth, common plume, chestnut, The Sprawler, Lunar underwing, Beaded chestnut, Acleris schalleriana, light brown apple moth, Acleris sparsana, Mervelle du Jour, Common marbled carpet, Green Brindled crescent, Black Rustic.
Thursday 22nd - Pretty in Pink
Saturday 17th - Spectacular Saturday
James Hunter and I drove overnight to South Shields had a couple of hours sleep in the car, we awoke to a monster Mega in Norfolk. We joined the small group on site and after a short wait the taiga Flycatcher showed very well and after an hour we headed to Norfolk. The journey was fairly smooth and we joined the crowd on the rather muddy saltmarsh. It did not take long for us to get a view of the rufous-tailed scrub robin. We watched it off and on for the next couple of hours getting some nice views in the Autumn sunshine. We popped in at Holme at the very end of the day but too late for any of the bluetails.
Chips - Mother Hubbards, Swaffham - Battered Sausage, mushy peas, pickled egg and chips. 9/10
Thursday 15th - More Moths
Wednesday 14th - Westly Wandering
Mostly touristy but incidental sighting of red kite near Lands End Airport during a walk was of note. We spent an hour or so in Nanquidno valley but it was quiet chough the best birds around. I did see of of the rather scarce purple vipers bugloss nearby as well. A tourist stop at Carn Euny did produce a Yellow Browed warbler with the tit flock.
Monday 12th - Monday Moths
I had run the moth trap overnight and at 4am had to rescue it from a torrential downpour. A large number of moths over 80 in total but only a few species as expected at this time of year. Lunar underwing the most abundant, with a few beaded chestnuts, black rustics, autumn rustics, feathered ranunculus and singles of large yellow underwing, common marbled carpet, setaceous hebrew character, green brindled crescent.
Sunday 11th - Hayle Briefly
Saturday 10th - Clearly Cornish
A sensible start has us at Saltash for 10am here were three of the Elm microspecies small, leaved, Scarabrid, and Western all located fairly easily. Next stop a Cornish pasty to keep us going before a stop at Goss Moor for Wavy leaved St John's Wort which was a long shot as it flowers in July but I located one plant in flower fairly easily and a brief view of a polecat was nice. A quick stop for shore dock which was very in seed! one to revisit next year. It was then down towards Penzance a weasel crossed a minor road in front of us, very nice to see two mustelids in an hour. Near Penzance I had three more Elm micro species to locate Cornish, Fat leaved, Davy's all easily located but I had good info. We dropped into Hayle and after a bit of time located the Pectoral sandpiper along with a curlew sandpiper. It was time for chips and then off to our accomodation for the night.
Chips - Lewis Fish and Chips, Newlyn - Fish and Chips 8.5/10
Wednesday 7th - Thetford Treat
Monday 5th - Homeward Hoopoe
Sunday 4th - 500 Up
I was fortunate to have slept through the worst of the delayed ferry journey which arrived into Aberdeen early afternoon. I headed to Kilminning to join the modest crowd to wait for view of the Siberian Thrush. Quickly I had a brief view of the head but it was a few hours for some real decent but brief views, too quick for the camera but very happy to tick my 500th UK bird. A couple more good views before I popped to the beach to see Scots Lovage and I left as the light was fading, on to Anstruther to celebrate with some chips.
Chips - Anstruther Fish Bar, Anstruther - Fish, haggis and chips 9.5/10
Saturday 3rd - Woeful weather
My last day on Shetland and the weather was less than ideal birding weather, I did some sites around the south of the island but it was difficult with the weather. I stopped in on the Radde's Warbler and got some brief views in the pouring rain. I had a early light lunch before heading to for one last attempt at finding something but very little apart from some common species. I did some shopping and headed to the ferry.
Friday 2nd - Wonderful Warblers
I started locally for a couple of hours but did not get much apart from photogenic black guillemots so I headed to Unst where the Pallas's Grasshopper warbler was showing off and on in a small scrubby area a brief little bunting as well was nice. After having my fill it was off to Sumburgh Head just about as far as I could be from my current location. The weather on the mainland was terrible with low mist and it was quite dark so I was not hopeful, but as I reached the airport it cleared and it was sunny, perfect conditions for the Lanceolated warbler to show. I need not have worried the bird showed amazingly well down to a few feet in the open and the late evening sun gave some terrific light for photographs. A brief look around and we were in a fall of migrants, goldcrests, redstarts, blackcaps all suddenly appeared, what a finish to a great day.
Chips - Da Harbour Chippy, Lerwick - Macaroni and Chips and onion rings 8/10
Thursday 1st - Zooming Zoothera
I had set 4 longworth traps in some bushes at the end of the road last night and checked them this morning, and I had one cracking Shetland subspecies of wood mouse
I started south looking for otters in less than ideal conditions, I was not too far away when a report of Orca near Levenswick came in so headed to a couple of viewpoints to the north, the mist did not help but I got a brief view. I was just heading to another viewpoint when news of a White's thrush at Quendale so headed the short distance there. I was just in time as the thrush was flying about, it flew right past my head and landed on a wall and I got a few record shots before it moved further away. After 10 mins it moved off and so did I. I searched some areas further south in the rain finding only a goldcrest and a flock of barnacle geese of note. I worked slowly north on the east side looking for cetaceans, otters etc. but the poor visibility and torrential rain made it difficult, but I had some nice common seals.
I ended up in Lerwick for some shopping and had some food before giving up and heading for the dry and warmth of my B&B.
Wednesday 30th - Western Wilderness
I started at the olive backed pipit and it was showing for photographs finally, so I headed to West Mainland for a mix of plants and general birding. First stop was at Loch for Shetland pondweed and Autumnal water starwort both took a bit of finding in tricky conditions. I explored quite a bit of West Mainland looking for birds it was raining and very windy which made the task quite hard. Only two birds of note redwing and yellow browed warbler and couple of common seals. I made a couple of stops for plants Shetland mouse eared hawkweed I found two plants still just about passable, on a rather blustery hillside. The next plant Hieracium spenceanum another Shetland endemic, was easier to find just one plant in flower and not fully open due to the weather. Late afternoon I headed back to Lerwick and had an early dinner.
Chips - Da Harbour Chippy, Lerwick - Sausage and Chips and onion rings 8/10
Tuesday 29th - Tennessee Tuesday
I headed down to Banna Minn searching for otters along the way, no luck but the views were worth the trip. I tried again for photos of the olive backed pipit but it was being elusive but news broke of a Mega on Yell so that is where I headed. I arrived at Burravoe where the Tennessee warbler was showing very well for the small well behaved crowd. After having my fill I headed to Cullivoe where after a long wait the Arctic warbler showed very well. Just as I went back to the car there was an otter in the creek it headed off quickly but a nice sighting all the same. I explored Yell a bit before getting a ferry back late on. I stopped at the olive backed pipit which showed very briefly but not enough for photos before calling it a day.
Chips - Da Harbour Chippy, Lerwick - Haggis and Chips 6/10
Monday 28th - Mostly Missing
I started at Toab but there was no sogn of the woodchat shrike, so I headed to Grutness where I got a brief view of the lapland buntingtwite. I headed slowly north looking for otters, I had one brief one but I had stopped on a single track road and a rather impatient driver was unhappy, I lost it while moving the car. I eventually reached Urafirth where the Oysterplant was in flower looking very nice. I took some random roads photographing some of the common birds before slowly heading south towards Lerwick. News of a Red throated pipit at Quendale sent me there, however it was very tricky and one brief flight view was all that was had, there was northern knotgrass and northern dead nettle a plenty in the field. I tried the olive backed pipit again but a very brief view left me frustrated.
Chips - Frankies, Brae - Fish 10/10 and chips 6/10
Sunday 27th - Safely on Shetland
After a terrible night I was happy to leave the ferry and get on land, I still felt terrible but headed off to find some birds. First stop was Sumburgh where in a small quarry I had two yellow browed warblers and a pied flycatcher. Sumburgh head was next a couple of wrens a rabbit and several wheatears. The dusky warbler was reported so that was my next stop and it showed a few times but never long enough for a photo. I headed into Lerwick for some food as it had been 24 hours since I last ate and all that went to waste overnight. I took a drive up Tingwall but nothing of note then headed to Nesting bay where I had better luck a brief otter, several common seals, great Northern diver and black guillemot was a better return. I had driven past an olive back pipit near Tingwall so I popped back but no luck, and I had to pop back to Lerwick to check into my accomodation, but I returned to the pipit and eventually got a brief view.
I headed to Toab for the woochat shrike, but gave up after a couple of miles as the heavy rain and fading light were against me so I headed into Lerwick for food then went for an early night.
Saturday 26th - Having a Whale of a Time
After the uneventful overnight drive I arrived at Garelochead just after dawn, the conditions were perfect for cetacean watching and it was not long before I spotted my target. Here were three Northern Bottlenosed Whales showing nicely but into the sun, so I headed to the other side of the Loch and found a good vantage point. Guillemot and a common seal also seen, I had great views for the next few hours before I had to leave for Aberdeen. Here I headed to the Tory Battery to see if I could find any dolphins but the sea conditions were against it! The overnight ferry to Shetland was terrible.
Wednesday 22nd - Local Ladybirds
Sunday 20th - Snettisham Spectacular
I had a very early start arriving at Snettisham in the dark, the walk to the beach was uneventful but as dawn broke the spectacle started. I have been to the waders roost many times but still really enjoy it and this morning was no exception, a couple of brown hares in the surronding fields as I headed off. I popped into Titchwell for a quick wander before the crowds, a nice ruff, several greenshanks and a small flock of bearded tits of note. I went to Warham Greens to see the Brown shrike which was showing quite nicely and had a nice water vole in one of the ditches. Late afternoon I popped to see Stuart Read who had found a Bronze shieldbug.
Chips - Mother Hubbard, Swaffham - Battered Sausage and Chips 8/10
Saturday 19th - Quick Dock
Friday 18th - Work Worry
Thursday 17th - Breckland Bugging
I headed into the Brecks for the afternoon looking for ladybirds at some new sites, the first site I had loads of pine ladybirds along with cream streaked, 7, 16, 22 and 24 spot, but the find was a pine hawkmoth caterpillar along with a mating pair of spiked shieldbugs. Next stop had 7, 16, 22, 24 and round keeled ladybirds.
Wednesday 16th - Bournemouth Blank
I headed to the New Forest on a cracking day, a quick detour to Southampton for Nettle leaved goosefoot. In the Forest I made a stop for wood cricket which I missed on the last trip. But today I had loads mostly nymphs but several adults. Next stop where I finally connected with chaffweed a tiny and difficult plant which has eluded me all summer. A couple of stops for brown galingale and copse bindweed before stopping for chips. Then to Bournemouth for shieldbugs where I bumped into Dave Shute on the same mission, but all we could find were the common specues brassica, hairy and southern green.
Chips - Ferndown Fish and Chips, Ferndown - Battered Saveloy, pea fritter and chips 8/10
Sunday 13th - Super Shrike
The moth trap had a rather meagre catch but a few nice moths Autumnal Rustic and frosted orange the pick. I was heading to Tamworth for non wildlife related stuff but made a stop at Sutton park for the cracking and confiding red backed shrike. My journey home I stopped at several sites for elm micro species including Plots, Large toothed, Midland, Jersey, Luffenham, Laxton Elms.
Saturday 12th - Welsh Wonders
A very early start and I arrived in Tenby on a beautiful morning, here the small tree mallow was flowering profusely on the beach front along with some wall germander. I left before it got busy and headed to Bosherton, the cliffs here are home to rock and small sea lavender both were in their final with only a couple of flowers. Next stop was Oxwich, a packed beach was avoided and instead I explored the sand dunes alone. Here amongst the plentiful eyebrights, knotted pearlwort, common rock rose and seaside centaury I was searching for dune gentian. There was lots of autumn gentian to search through but I stumbled upon a few marked plants which made it easier to get my eye in and I found another couple myself. I was a glorious day so I headed to Porthcawl for chips on the seafront, feeding a large flock of starlings with the left overs. I headed to Chepstow where I found the lobed maidenhair spleenwort growing on the walls of the castle. Last stop was in the Forest of Dean where I set up my moth traps for the night.
Chips - The Boat House, Porthcawl - Battered Sausage and Chips 8/10
Friday 11th - Marvellous Martin's Meadow
I was heading to Martin's meadow for meadow Saffron but had a quick detour to Landguard for some prickly saltwort before the amazing spectacle of Meadow saffron at Martin's Meadow. I took a look for ladybirds and bugs 7 and 10 spot, harlequin ladybirds along with Common Green and red legged Shieldbugs all I could muster. I stopped off for prominent toothed elm before heading to work.
Sunday 7th - Bournemouth Blow Out
I headed to the Lower Test Nature reserve for buttonweed then onto Purbeck for Galingale and Purbeck sea Lavender. But I spent the majority of the day in Bournemouth looking for shieldbugs, I only found brassica and hairy shieldbugs, plenty of 22 spot ladybirds along with a couple of ice creams. There were plenty of wall lizards in the sunny periods but a couple of rain showers got rid of most of the tourists.
Chips - Poulner Fish and Chips, Ringwood - Saveloy, Pea fritter and Chips 8/10
Saturday 6th - Brief Beaks
Friday 5th - Suffolk Scymnus
I headed to Cornard Mere after work for some ladybird hunting, 7, 22 and 24 spot, cream spotted, harlequin and round keeled rhyzobius but the prize was an oak scymnus. A few nice plants such as golden dock, red goosefoot and water chickweed were present and I had a nice afternoon. Later I headed to the Lee Valley where Andrew Jewels had found some late instar Southern green shieldbugs.
Monday 31st - Kent Calling
I had a later start than the previous day and headed to Kent arriving at Ashford mid morning, here hidden behind a Tesco superstore was the delicate few flowered fumitory. I tried for some shieldbugs without success so headed to the coast here I found a angle spotted ladybird and sharp rush at Ramsgate. I popped into Sandwich Bay for more shieldbugs and found some heath shieldbugs during a brief search. It was time for chips before heading to Dungeness. Here with some amazing help from the Obs crew we managed to locate 3 of the large coneheads recently discovered at the site. We also had tree crickets, sickle bearing bush crickets and the cockroach Ectobius montanus top night.
Chips - The Chippy, Greatstone - Saveloy, Cheese fritter and Chips 8/10
Sunday 30th - Cracking Chilterns
An early start for green figwort which was easily found, my next target was a little harder as I had limited information, and after about an hour all I could find was some Nodding bur marigold. I headed into the Chilterns for Chiltern gentian and some nice Silver spotted skippers, most of the other butterflies were looking past their best. I headed to another site abundant with autumn gentians, but I was after a much smaller plant the bastard toadflax and more importantly the rare Downs shieldbug which relies solely on this plant. I found one juvenile during a painstaking search of the short turf. After visiting family locally I headed home through the Chilterns, via a couple of sites for violet helleborines which had all just gone over including the var rosea. It was time for some chips and then a stake out in Wendover woods for edible dormice which were very skittish and it took some effort to get a few photos.
Chips - The Chippy, Thame - Just Chips 8/10
Thursday 27th - Terrific Therfield
A leisurely pre work visit to Therfield Heath to see the Adonis blues and easily found plenty and in the rather cool conditions made them easy to photograph. A few rather tatty Chalkhill blues and a common blue and a broen argus also of note. I tried for ladybirds and quickly found a couple of 18 spot along with a single pine and several 7 spot. I had time for a quick visit to Cherry Hinton to see how the Autumn gentians were doing before work.
Monday 24th - Water Water Everywhere
Sunday 23rd - Empty Essex
Saturday 22nd - A Forest Forage
A day out in the New Forest, a nice hedgehog in the village as I left. Conditions were very mixed blustery and heavy rain showers made bug hunting difficult and I could not find wood cricket, but I did have some success with woodland grasshopper, New Forest shieldbug and Cepero's groundhopper. Some nice plants such as Ivy leaved bellflower, small fleabane and dwarf spike rush. I finished the day at Sandy Point where sea knotgrass was my target and I found a dozen or so plants before heading home.
Chips - Poulner Fish and Chips, Ringwood - Spring roll, Mac n Cheese bites and Chips 8/10
Thursday 20th - More Breckland Bugs
An afternoon visit to the Brecks after work, to one regular site and a couple of new sites and glad I did. A Schmidt's scymnus at a new site amongst the commoner species of round keeled rhyzobius, adonis, 7, 14, 16 and 22 spot. A few nice shieldbugs as well forget me not and spiked the pick. Some cut leaved nightshade and tansy of botanical interest.
Tuesday 18th - What a Beauty
I usually run three skinner type moth traps but they do suffer in the rain, so recently I built a rain cover for my triple actinic and only put this trap out to test the rain cover. The rain cover worked and I had plenty of moths mostly common wainscot along with the usual willow beauty, square spot rustic, green carpet, whitepoint, orange swift etc. the best moth being a vapourer on the outside of the trap. I was tidying up and saw a moth on the electrics box which flitted up onto the side of the trap and I quickly potted it and wow a Beautiful marbled although a little bit worn. This was a very rare moth until this year when there have been many records. A noteworthy record from my garden, which despite being in a village we are surrounded by an arable wasteland and the number of moth species is a little restricted.
Saturday 15th - Essex Elms
I made a quick visit to Kent but was unsuccessful with Rough mallow yet again, now my bogey plant. I did find scented and scentless mayweed, broad leaved cudweed and corn chamomile. A Rambur's Pied Shieldbug was a nice find. Another spot had some common bladderwort and then I headed for home via Essex where I visited a few sites for elm micro species Pebmarsh, Pointed leaved, dark leaved and Essex elm.
Friday 7th - Breckland Bugs
Andrew Jewels met me in the Brecks for an afternoon of bug hunting, we visited three of my favourite sites and came up with a nice haul of 13 ladybird species
Pine, 22 spot, 16 spot, Adonis, 7 spot, Cream streaked, Striped, 24 spot Ladybirds and
Round keeled ladybird, Pointed keeled ladybird, Pine scymnus, Angle-spot scymnus and Black scymnus. But also several other bits and pieces Red Longhorn Beetle, Breckland and Dalman's leatherbug, scarab shieldbug and lesser streaked shieldbug. All this along with cracking views of crossbills and woodlarks, and some nice plants such as Perennial knawel, maiden's pink, Breckland wormwood as well made a nice afternoon despite the heat.
Thursday 6th - Bridge Bugging
I headed to Rainham RSPB to look for ladybirds and shieldbugs, I had a couple of Bryony ladybirds but no luck with shieldbugs. So I headed to the area under the QEII bridge to search further in the intense heat. It was very sucessful with Sciocoris sideritidis, Mottled shieldbug, common green shieldbug and Denticulate Leatherbug along with Pine, 22 spot, 16 spot,
14 spot, Adonis, 7 spot, harlequin, 10 spot, Round keeled ladybird, Dusky ladybird and dot ladybird. I crossed the river and after some chip met up with James Hunter for a session of moth trapping on a chalk grassland area. Conditions were perfect and moths a plenty with over 120 species including some crackers, Dark crimson underwing, 7 mochas, the pick. A black sexton beetle, eared leafhopper and a glow worm were nice addition to the evening.
Sunday 2nd - Forest Friends
I headed to Arne first thing to see the Sika and found a small herd a short way into the reserve, as a few more people arrived I headed off. At the New Forest I stopped near Burley and bumped into Dave Shute and Jon Stokes and our targets were very similar so we teamed up for a walk for a couple of hours. We had a nice selection of insects Small sandpit mining bee, Large Marsh grasshopper including one of the purple form, bog bush cricket, mottled beefly, Angle spotted scymnus to name a few, as well as Common lizard and common frog. Dave had a Beautiful marbled which he had trapped with him, another cracking moth to see. I headed to a couple of other sites looking for shieldbugs, I found tortoise shieldbug and some woodland grasshoppers With time getting on I got some chips and headed for home after a cracking weekend, a few misses so need to return.
Chips - Poulner Fish and Chips, Ringwood - Burger, Cheese bites and Chips 8/10
Saturday 1st - Hants and Dorset
A very early start with a quick stop Near for Pepper saxifrage before heading to Cadnam where small fleabane and pennyroyal. Slender cotton grass was in the centre of a very wet bog but I managed to keep it below the top of my wellies (just). Chaffweed eluded me at two sites so I left the New Forest and headed to the Dorset Heaths via Portland for the third British record of the tawny prominent moth. On the heaths I had some keeled skimmers and my target Nordic bladderwort, some distant sika and two peregrines. I moved to Winfrith Heath where I had permission to moth trap for the night. One trap in particular attracted the attention of a nightjar and he patrolled it most of the night, ensuring that trap had a rather poor capture rate. Not a massive haul but a few nice moths Drinker, canary shouldered Thorn, narrow winged pug, true lovers knot, lackey, lesser swallow prominent.
Chips - Cod Fathers, Portland - Sausage and Chips 6/10
Friday 30th - Fire!
I popped to Dovercourt before work to see the recently discovered colony of the firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus). The area was alive with them, adults and plenty of nymphs so clearly breeding well, I also had a rather nice lime hawkmoth caterpillar, well worth the effort to visit despite the sweltering heat.
Wednesday 28th - Super Spikes
I popped to Newmarket to see the Spiked Speedwells with only 16 spikes on my last visit a few years back I was pleased to see almost 300 spikes, there were plenty of butterflies loads of Chalkhill blues but also meadow brown, small tortoiseshell, brown argus, common blue, small skipper, small heath, large white, ringlet and peacock.
Tuesday 27th - Homeward Bound
I headed south making a few tourist stops before arriving at Crosby late afternoon, the strong wind was blowing the sand everywhere and made searching for plants tricky but I found some nice ones isle of Man cabbage and dune wormwood the highlights before heading home.
Chips - George & Angela's, Crosby - Sausage, Salt and pepper Chips 8/10
Monday 27th - Ruined by the Rain
I got the moth traps packed up and started walking up Cairngorm, before the rain started and it never stopped all day. I cut my walk a bit short but still found a few nice plants before retreating to the car for shelter. I headed for the forests for a bit lots of common wintergreen and a few creeping ladies tresses, least water lily and a couple of red squirrels. I had a break for food then did some more local walks for river water crowfoot and some commoner plants. Glen Tilt was my next stop and the long walk in the pouring rain was eventually rewarded with small cow wheat. I headed south stopping for mountain currant before a stop for chips. The Loch of the Lowes was closed so I headed tomy accomodation in Dunkeld for the night to escape the rain.
Chips - Marmaris, Blairgowrie - Haggis and Chips 7/10
Sunday 26th - Gorge-ous
After a leisurely start I headed to a rather tricky gorge which at the bottom was Whorled Solomon's seal, the farmland I traversed during the walk had common hemp nettle and a calling Quail. I headed up Glenshee, the chairlift was closed so I had to be content with Scoping Ptarmigan and mountain hare from the car park, but a red grouse was obliging enough to come down to the car park. I stopped for some melancholy thistles before heading to Ben Lawers but could not find any Mountain ringlets. Next stop was Aberfeldy but could not find small cow wheat. I did find some roadside mammals, a brown hare and some red deer on my drive to Aviemore for chips. My last stop was at Insh Marshes for some moth trapping, weather conditions were sub optimal, cold and very windy and even siting the traps in sheltered spots did not help as the wind moved constantly. Still a few nice moths were trapped Antler moth, spruce carpet, northern spinach, pinion streaked snout, welch wave the pick.
Chips - Smiffy's, Aviemore - Haggis and Chips 8/10
Saturday 25th - Marvelous Mountains
I waited for the rain to ease before heading off for a long walk in Glen Clova and the mountains beyond, After an hour it stopped the sun came out and it was a beautiful day. The walk was tough in the heat but the views were amazing. I made it across the swollen river without getting wet and made it to my destination. Here in a rocky area was Alpine catchfly my target. Also in the area was mountain scurvygrass and Alpine mouse ear. The walk back was stunning and easier walking, the woodland had a few common hawkers but little else. I was exhausted but made it to Alyth for Chips by the river before heading to my accommodation for the night and some sleep.
Chips - Aylth Fish and Chips, Aylth - Haggis and Chips 8/10
Friday 24th - Up North
I headed north after work and made it to Bishop Middleham quarry as the weather started to turn, there was a fine display of Dark Red helleborines but conditions were not good for butterflies, I headed off before it turned bad but my drive to Scotland was in the pouring rain.
Chips - Coxhoe Fish Bar, Coxhoe - Spam fritter and Chips 7.5/10
Wednesday 22nd - Breckland Bits
I headed to the Brecks, first stop a woodland ride for Corn Chamomile, smooth rupturewort and a nice selection of dragonflies and butterflies. I popped into Cranwich to see the fine display of proliferous pinks before heading to Foulden common for Large Thyme and more yet dragonflies and butterflies. Peacock butterflies were everywhere and in amazing numbers at all sites I visited today really amazing.
I stopped at Santon Downham for Broad leaved and Green flowered helleborines some wall lettuce and heath groundsel. Last stop was Lakenheath for a quick wander again loads of butterflies and dragonflies along with a cracking Marsh harrier.
Tuesday 21st - Fenland Forray
A brief stop for the Fen ragwort and soapwort before heading to Upwood Meadow, I have been there early in the year for the orchids but always meant to visit later in the year for the late flowering plants. One of the meadows was being grazed but the other was amazing full of flowers such as Betony, saw-wort, yellow rattle, great burnet, knapweed. I popped into Woodwalton Fen briefly for a quick walk, I met two ladies looking for beetles and I gave them a few pointers for the tansy beetles, they had found a nice Carabus granulatus.
I had a brief view of a Chinese water deer and two grass snakes, a nice selection of insects, supported by and some nice plants, some impressive marsh sow thistles and yellow oxeye but the pick was some greater bladderwort.
Monday 20th - Lee Valley Ladybirding
I headed to the Lee Valley to meet up with Andrew Jewels for an afternoon of ladybirds, we searched a couple of site for about 4 hours and came up with an incredible 16 species.
7, 14, 16, 22, 24 spot, harlequin, Adonis, ivy, red rumped, Round keeled, pointed keeled and oak scymnus, dot ladybird, red marsh ladybird, Forresters ladybird, pine ladybird Pleny of other insects of note Painted lady, dock bug, rhombic leatherbug, Tortoise, Pied and green shieldbug, oak bush cricket on a lovely afternoon.
Sunday 19th - Southern Comfort
I started in Dartford where James Hunter promised Jersey Tiger in his moth trap and the promise was duly fulfilled.
Ranscombe farm was a different matter and I had no luck finding Rough Mallow despite an extensive search, it is there somewhere. Panicled willowherb at my next site was far easier but I had to look hard to find one in flower as they were only just starting. I stopped on the coast briefly for Ox tongue broomrape before heading to Rye Harbour.
I had struggled to see least lettuce in flower and yet again I struggled but eventually I spotted a lone flower. I made it back to the car before the rain started and it was torrential all the way to my next stop even after a fuel and ice cream stop. Cuckmere Haven was quite busy despite the heavy rain, but the rain eased as I set off for my walk up to the cliff top. I was after a small plants in the short grass, not helped by the wind and rain I started my search after 10 mins I spotted the wall germander several plants in flower and several more which had been eaten. Despite the rain I had two unexpected chalkhill blue butterflies.
I got back to the car as the rain stopped typical! I popped in briefly on hoary cinquefoil but my last stop after chips was near Winchester and at about 8.30pm the night flowering catchfly was fully open very nice to see and time for home after a long day.
Chips - Seafare, Winchester - Battered Sausage, Pea fritter, pickled egg and Chips 8/10
Thursday 16th - Mega Mothing
I popped to see the yellow flowered teasel in Cambridge on the way to work.
After work I headed for the Chip shop before meeting up with James Hunter for a moth trapping session.
We had 10 traps a mix of MV and Actinic and one LED trap running in a woodland clearing, the air was humid, hot and the mosquitos were biting all good signs for a top night. The number of moths built up and we got the first good moth of the night a small chocolate tip. It was not all about the rare moths we had loads of attractive moths which are not rare such as black arches, festoon, lobster, sallow kitten, lunar spotted pinion, L album wainscot.
There were lots of moths around all the traps and this brought in some more megas clay fanfoot, Scarce Merveille du Jour, Agrotera nemoralis supported by some nice scarce moths scarce silver lines, Four spotted footman, Lesser spotted pinion, Bisigna procerella, Evergestis limbata, Anania verbascalis.
Some non-moths were also attracted in to the traps orange ladybird, Diaperis boleti and great diving beetle and a selection of grasshoppers then the mega mega was spotted a ringed border an uber rare species.
And towards the end of the evening a Dark Crimson Underwing dropped in. A cracking night with over 170 species including some very rare ones and over 10 new ones for me, I headed for home but stopped near Dartford for a look at some white mullein a very striking plant and I headed home for a quick shower and on to work.
Chips - Fish and Chip Inn, Ashford - Battered Saveloy, Onion rings and Chips 8/10
Monday 13th - Breckland Bits
I popped to the Brecks on the way to work mostly for ladybirds but nothing of note only 7, 16, 24 spot, Adonis and harlequin ladybirds but I did find a few shieldbugs Fallen's and rhombic leatherbugs, and hairy and Scarab shieldbugs. Maiden's pinks were flowering in abundance along with a little Breckland thyme along with some nice dark mullein.
Sunday 12th - Clearing Up
I was up early and James Hunter and I headed to Dorset, first stop was the Berkshire / Hampshire downs, here in the rich downland flora we had a few frog and burnt tip orchids. It was glorious sunshine and singing skylark and corn bunting made the experience idyllic. We headed into the New Forest for some dragonflies, and conditions were perfect with Emperor, keeled skimmer, broad bodied chaser, Golden ringed Dragonfly, Small red damselfly, Blue tailed and Scarce blue tailed. A supporting array of nice plants such as clustered bellflower and squinancywort
With near perfect clearwing conditions we tried our luck at a site in Dorset for Sallow Clearwing. The first arrived and we had barely unpacked the lures. In just over 30 mins we has 13 and spent a little time getting some nice photos and an interesting observation from James was the size differences of some individuals we had one half the size of most of the others. It was far beyond our expectations and we popped into Corfe to see Lulworth Skippers which were mostly past their best.
Next we tried for Sand lizards and had a brief view of two, but the site was full of other wildlife particularly butterflies, Grayling, silver studded blue, common blue, brown argus, peacock, gatekeeper, red admiral, meadow brown, ringlet, large skipper, small skipper, and a couple of dragons southern hawker, common darter, azure blue.
It was time for chips before one last stop on the way home to see Marsh fragrant orchids at least a couple of hundred amongst the thousands of marsh helleborines, another excellent but tiring day.
Chips - Poulner Fish and Chips, Ringwood - Battered Sausage, Mac n Cheese bites and Chips 8/10
Saturday 11th - Vulture Venture
With the news that the Lammergeier had finally been pinned down and was roosting at dusk, it was an overnight drive to the Peak District making it to Strines for a quick sleep, a hedgehog of note on the way. Then came the long and rather boggy walk, with Nightjar and ring ouzel for company. It was almost a disaster the call came up that it was flying when I was still 10 mins from the viewpoint, but it circled round and some flight views were had before it perched on its favoured cliff and good views were had. Phew!!! On the way to Frampton a quick stop to try unsuccessfully for Welsh clearwing. On arrival at Frampton the Caspian Tern had just flown seconds before. It returned later but there was plenty to see at this very birdy reserve while it was away. Common, green and Curlew sandpipers, ruff, spoonbill, dunlin, black tailed godwits of note, but the Caspian tern was the highlight and it showed reasonably well. That was enough for the day before heading home to sleep.
Wednesday 8th - Northern Floral Foray
Postponed from the weekend due to poor weather I headed north for a long day out, and the weather was excellent so the delay was probably for the best. I started at Ullswater for Creeping Spearwort which grows along the shore, but there was no sign, so I tried a few other bays near the site I was checking but no luck, although 4 goosander were nice. I bumped into some swimmers and they mentioned that the water level had risen quite a bit recently so I returned to the site and well underwater was the Creeping Spearwort, equipped with wellies and an underwater camera I found them and got a few pics. Next stop was High Force Waterfall, here I was after Shrubby Cinquefoil, it was growing in the car park but I took a walk to the waterfall anyway and saw some in a more natural riverside setting. Mountain pansies and dark green fritillary also seen along the walk and at least 3 spotted flycatchers.
It was a glorious day and my walk at Widdybank fell was full of birds such as, wheatear, skylark, meadow pipit, oystercatcher, lapwing and curlew. But I was here for some plants the lovely Yellow saxifrage and alpine bartsia both in good condition along with a good selection of other plants Smooth ladys mantle, bog asphodel
I popped into a small quarry reserve for the Round leaved St John's wort at its only UK site, along with lots of fairy foxgloves. I stopped for a well earned ice cream before my next site at Ilton where I found lots of Alpine Cotula alongside a moorland track. It was time for Chips in Thirsk before my last site at Gormire lake, but I was a little late in the season as the tufted loostrife had pretty much finished flowering and I made it back to the car before the rain started and headed home after a long but fruitful day.
Chips Westgate Chip Shop, Thirsk - Haggis, Chips Mushy Peas - 7.5/10
Monday 6th - Elms
I headed to the Peterborough area the visit Swaddywell Pit somewhere I had been meaning to go for ages. Weather was good but a bit breezy but still plenty of insects of interest and a nice selection of plants. A nice reserve and I had it to myself and a nice way to spend a couple of hours. I stopped for a few Elms on the way home Narrow leaved, Long Tailed, Curve Leaved and Jagged leaved, a nice relaxing evening.
Friday 3rd - Blustery Brecks
A quick look in the Brecks before work produced a few ladybirds the pick the orange form of the pointed keeled ladybird. It was quite blustery so difficult to find insects so I did not see too much apart from a couple of hairy shieldbugs and a fairy ringed longhorn beetle. and a few butterflies, some Henbane was a nice find. After work I headed to the Lee Valley where Andrew Jewel had caught a Dusky or Heath Scymnus Ladybird, but we are still struggling to work out which.
Wednesday 1st - A Foray into the Forest
I headed west for the day, my first stop was along the river at Tewkesbury where tasteless water pepper and greater dodder in the drizzle. Then to Highnam Woods for Upright spurge in light drizzle. I made it to the Forest of Dean dodging the showers while having a look at a few sites plenty of ravens and mandarins the pick of the birds. I met up with Ben and we headed to Mallards Pike for a wander mainly for plants with a nice array of the common species but some nice skullcap of note.
Then we visited a local contact of Ben's who had a puss moth caterpillar they had found so we took a look at this amazing creature.
We searched an area for nightjars and managed to locate a roosting nightjar but it was obscured so not photographable, but still nice to see.
After an Ice cream we took a wander round Nagshead but could not find any pied flycatchers. Time for Chips and dippers, an adult and a juvenile showing well as we ate our chips.
Then we tried to see wild boar and we found a lone youngster which showed well.
Lastly it was nightjars and we watched at least 3 nightjars along with a fallow deer and a couple of woodcock.
I headed home as the heavens opened with only a barn owl of note.
Chips - Blakeney Chip Inn, Blakeney - Fish and Chips 8/10
Tuesday 30th - June Mothing
Mixed mothing this month which started quite but eventually picked up towards the end of the month. Garden trapping - Small elephant hawkmoth, Ruddy carpet, broad barred white, coronet, Green silver lines, Swallowtail moth, lackey were the highlights. I alos finally got a clearwing in the garden a red belted Clearwing.
I managed to trap a few times at work and had some nice moths, rosy footman, lobster moth, eyed hawkmoth, reed leopard, coronet, blackneck, V moth
And I got 9 red tipped clearwing to lure on afternoon.
I did see a couple of other people's moths a beautiful marbled and a varied Coronet both really nice moths.
Sunday 28th - New Forest Flora
It was a big day out in the New Forest, but a couple of stops on the way for Good King Henry and Corky Fruited Water Dropwort. Mudwort was next on the list and I got a bit wet getting close to this tiny plant. The next plant was easier a roadside stop for the delicate Rampion bellflower then heath pearlwort, Lesser marshwort then a rather damp stop for slender cotton grass which was quite tricy to ID as well. Here a rather nice Golden ringed dragonfly along with plenty of Silver studded blues. I then popped into Hatchet Pond for an ice cream and a quick look at Slender marsh bedstraw, before battling with lesser and intermediate bladder wort ID. No sign of small water pepper so I stopped for chips before heading for home via a quick stop for pink purslane which was still in flower.
Chips - Goodies, Totton, - Battered Sausage, Chips, Pea Fritter 7/10
Friday 26th - M25 Madness
I was heading to Hadleigh CP to see Hartwort, but the M25 was closed, so I diverted and headed to Rainham Marshes via the M11, however that was closed as well so I spent a little time nearby on the coastal scrub looking for insects until the roads were clear. A few nice ladybirds 22 spot, and round keeled the pick but not much else. I eventually made it the Hadleigh and the hartwort was flowering nicely with some Deptford pinks, job done so I headed home. Over the last couple of nights the badger has become more active and used to the lights from the moth traps and for me being in the garden and I have managed a few photos, but tonight was exceptional. A fox cub visited as well and I got a few photos and to cap it all the muntjac visited and all three were feeding in the garden at once.
Chips - Fish n Chickn, Harlow - Saveloy and Chips 8/10
Thursday 25th - Garden Goodies
I spent the afternoon at home due to the heat and popped out the CUL lure and finally got a red belted clearwing my first garden clearwing.
Later I popped out to check on the Moth traps about 10.30pm, I walked out into the garden where a badger was feeding happily. I backed up got my camera and returned and the badger tolerated me getting close enough for some nice photos with my 180mm macro lens (the other lens was in the car). Badgers have been visiting the garden for the last month and I now put food out for them and I assume that they are using the pond for water in these dry conditions. I watched it for quite a while before my cat spooked it.
Wednesday 24th - Breckland Bugs and Botany
I headed to the Brecks after work in what was searing heat. I popped into Lakenheath RSPB for a short wander it was too hot for the full circuit. There were lots of warblers, a cuckoo and the usual birds on the wash. Emperor dragonfly, red admiral, large skipper the insects of note. A quick look at Smooth rupturewort before heading to Cranwich Camp for some ladybird surveying and came up trumps with several species, 7, 14, 16 spot along with pointed keeled ladybird and ants nest ladybird A nice oblique striped moth but plants were in short supply as half the site is still being grazed despite not a plant being visible, no idea what is going on here but no Spanish catchflys anywhere and only a few field mouse ears and purple milk vetch of note along with Scarab and Bordered Shieldbugs. I popped in to see the Fly honeysuckle which was flowering nicely before heading to check another site but only had a pointed keeled ladybird and forget me not shieldbugs also a Breckland wormwood of note. A quick check of one last spot but nothing of interest and I headed home to rehydrate.
Monday 22nd - What a Beauty
Friday 19th - New Forest For Flowers
An early start with a detour to Kent for Varied Coronet and yellow Bartsia. The destination was the New Forest but first a visit to Noar Hill for the orchids, musk, common spotted, chalk fragrant, common twayblade then a quick stop for Bee orchid var Belgarum before heading into the forest .
First some heath spotted orchids, then lesser butterfly and early marsh orchid including lots of the lovely var ochrantha. And a cracking silver studded blue it was pristine and must have emerged recently.
The weather then became perfect for insects with southern damselfly, small red damselfly keeled skimmer and beautiful demoiselle all seen within a few yards on a small stream.
It got a bit wet with a heavy downpour but the Wild gladiolus still looked amazing, particularly compared to the bog orchids at the next stop, supported by pale butterwort.
The weather was not good for insects so it was time to head home with a quick stop in Hampshire for marsh Helleborine including several var ochroleuca
Wednesday 17th - Top Twitching
A very early start to drive through the fog to Holy Island where on arrival at 7am a dozen or so people were watching the Desert warbler which showed very nicely for a couple of hours. The Marsh helleborines were not out yet but were close, but the Common spotted, Early Mash and Northern Marsh orchids were out in force including some hybrids. The next stop was Grindon Lough, a site I visited several years ago for a Red Necked Phalarope and today also it was for a Red necked phalarope and apparently it si believed to be the same individual returning every year. A drake American wigeon was also present. Nosterfield Nature reserve was next for the rather camouflaged Lesser Yellowlegs that took a bit of finding. Then it was into the heart in the industrial North East where some rather nice Northern Marsh orchid var altara along with some nice hybrids. A quick stop at Greatham Creek for grey and common seals followed by another quick stop at Salthome RSPB for a Great white egret and 7 spoonbills. Luck started to run out with no sign of the Rose coloured starling or red footed falcon. But some nice views were had of the feeding Blyth's reed warbler not singing as it has been to some and that was time to head home after a very busy day.
Tuesday 16th - Breckland Blast
I headed out to the Brecks in search of the Grey carpet moth which despite all the time I spend in the Brecks I have yet to see and my quest will continue as I drew a blank at two sites. But it was not all doom and gloom a cuckoo, skylarks, forget me not shieldbugs, Adonis ladybirds, small tortoiseshells the pick of stuff. A quick visit to another site for Russian cinquefoil finished the morning and I headed to work.
Sunday 14th - Kent Korkers
I headed out for a quick trip to North Kent to see the very rare Bee Orchid var Cambrensis there were several of these stunning plants in perfect condition. Next I visited nearby Ranscombe Farm allways a pleasure to visit and today had stunning displays of poppies and rough hawksbill along with some very nice Rambur's Pied Shieldbugs Next was a quick look at some grass poly and pale flax before heading home.
Saturday 13th - West is Best
It was a very early start to the West Country for some very rare plants first stop was Eype for the Slender Centaury only two plants were in flower so I had timed my visit a fraction too early, dune tiger beetle and seaside brooklime were of note at this site on a glorious morning. Two very small fox cubs were in the road as I left the village but were to quick for the camera. Conditions changed as I made it to Berry Head where a few spots of rain and some gusty winds were less than ideal wildlife conditions but my target was incredibly small so was not affected too much. The tiny small hare’s ear was located after a short search which was interrupted several times by nosey dog walkers. I had a nice wander looking at some of the commoner plants before heading north. I had two stops the first a very brief stop for Starved wood sedge which I quickly found and then to the tiny reserve in Gloustershire for limestone woundwort which was flowering nicely. Then it was time for home.
Friday 12th - Listless Lizards
I popped in to see the Local Lizard orchids on my way home but they were in a sorry state the recent conditions had not been kind to them and they were looking pretty poor. A few Pyramidal orchids were present but far less numerous than in previous years and the other wildflowers on site were also looking pretty poor hopefully the recent rain will help.
Thursday 11th - Awesome Orchids
I was heading the Dancers end to have another try for wood vetch after being rained off the other day, but got a tip of about some nearby bee orchids var fulvofusca. So that was my first stop and after a short search this lovely orchid was located. Plenty of other orchids present in very good numbers but mostly stunted I assume due to the recent dry conditions, common twayblades, common spotted, greater butterfly, pyramidal and chalk fragrant orchids. A very nice visit despite the tricky photographic conditions (wind) but the rain held off. I quickly located the wood vetch at Dancersend before heading home.
Tuesday 9th - Broken Breckland
I headed to the Brecks after work first stop was the Feltwell area, here I had two turtle doves, a roe deer and a selection of nice butterflies. Next was Cranwich Camp but the gate was locked for some reason it was academic anyway as the site has had all the wildflowers grazed off so a waste of time visiting. I tried Cranwich Heath but that is currently being grazed! So no access, but in the surroundings on the disturbed ground I found some small toadflax and white ramping Fumitory. I popped in to see some Perennial and annual knawel and also found some nice green eyed flower bees. A quick look at some maidens pinks coming into flower before a search for grey carpet which was unsuccessful, but I did find two forget me not shieldbugs. I called it a day and headed home.
Monday 8th - Lee Valley Ladybirds
I spent the afternoon in the Lee Valley with Andrew Jewel for a bit of a ladybird hunt, It appeared that we were in between generations for most species as there were lots of larva. But we did record some conspicuous adults, 7, 14, 16 and 24 spot, adonis and pine ladybirds. Only a couple of inconspicuous ladybirds Litura and possibly new for the area a red rumped scymnus ladybird. Plenty of other insects pied, brassica and red legged shiedlbugs and a larger beetle Phaedon cochleariae and a couple of nice Green oak tortrix moths. Emperor dragonfly was nice to see and we found a group of oak processionary caterpillars before calling it a day.
Sunday 7th - West is Best
The weather was much better in the west so I headed to Somerset first thing to see the rare Somerset skullcap and I found a few nice plants of wolfsbane. I made an unsuccessful stop in south Bristol but did have a nice scarlet tiger moth. The major stop was near Stroud where I managed to find several Cistus moths the main target of the visit. Conditions were perfect and I had some nice butterflies as well including small blue, Marbled white and dark green fritillary, the only other things of note were tortoise shieldbugs. I headed home via a spot in the Chilterns for Green houndstongue a few plants still in flower. My last stop was for wood vetch but torrential rain stopped play a short way into the search, some nice Greater butterfly orchids and bush vetch of note. I will have another try soon.
Chips - Mr Chips, Dunstable - Saveloy and Chips 8/10
Saturday 6th - Local
With dodgy weather I stayed locallish, first stop Barton le Cley for some arable plants in a field margin the pick few flowered fumitory and rough poppy (I had been tipped off about them they weren't just lucky finds). A quick look at some broad leaved pondweed then back towards home for some of the local Elm micro species (Sowerby's, Leathery leaved, Exeter, Round leaved Elm) while dodging the showers.
Tuesday 2nd - Oh my Ochrellouca
headed to the small fen that holds the beautiful Early Marsh orchid var ochrellouca there were over 30 in flower all in perfect condition, this is the largest number I have seen there and I had it all to myself in beautiful conditions a totally amazing start to the day. A quick stop in Bury St Edmunds, then off to a roadside reserve for crested cow wheat, none at my first stop, but my second site had plenty although they were suffering from the effects of the hot dry weather. My last stop was in the Brecks for ladybirds and shieldbugs only 7 and 16 spot ladybirds and only hairy and Brassica shieldbugs. then it was off to work.
Monday 1st - Mega Mammals
An exciting evening, the cat brought in a small mammal which shot under our bed, I got a few glimpses of a mole! We could not relocate it, but kept checking and unfortunately found it dead an hour later. I was checking out my new toy a thermal imaging scope in the back garden and had a large heat lump under the bird table which was a badger. We watched it for a while eating the food I had been putting out every evening for it. Every other night two foxes had been helping themselves to the food so this was excellent, the foxes did put in an appearance I caught them on the trail camera footage later.
Sunday 31st - May Mothing
Saturday 30th - I Seek him here, I seek him there, I seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven or is he in hell? That demned elusive Pimpernel!
I was up early for a visit to Kent to search for the Blue pimpernel, but first I headed to Rye Harbour for a walk before the crowds arrived, I timed it perfectly and only met a couple of people during my whole walk. Plenty of Sandwich terns, avocets, oystercathers and a few nice plants yellow horned poppy, sea pearlwort, sea kale, salsify. Then some quick stops for sea clover, stinking hawksbeard, and sand catchfly before trying my luck for ox tongue broomrape probably too early as the bristly ox tongue was only just getting going, but I did have some nice butterflies, small blue and wall brown the pick. But the main focus of my day was at Ranscombe Farm where I was searching for the elusive blue pimpernel, a species that I had missed a couple of times before. It was hot and there were a few people around which I managed to avoid. The poppies were out in abundance and my search focussed on this area, scarlet pimpernel was flowering everywhere and I found several flowering Venus's Looking glass before eventually locating a lone blue pimpernel nicely in flower. Plenty of other plants of interest including corncockle, field pansy, corn salad sp and common broomrape. An ice cream was in order along with a cold drink before my last stop, I headed across the river to Hadleigh country park where I tracked down some Bithynian vetch before Chips and home.
I put some food out for the foxes (the badger has not returned) but saw a hedgehog in the garden, the first for a while.
Chips - Cyprus Fish Bar, Braintree - Battered Saveloy and Chips 7.5/10
Friday 29th - Awesome Orchids
Thurdsay 28th - And Even more Brecks
Once again it was an afternoon in the Brecks mainly for ladybirds and I had several species, hundreds of 16 spot, but a few others, low numbers of 10 spot, cream streaked, striped, 24 spot, pine, pine scymnus. I also had some nice Tortoise shieldbugs.
Birdwise cuckoo and woodlark were the pick on a rather hot afternoon.
Wednesday 27th - Breckland Bashing
Once more into the Brecks for the afternoon where the Thracian Birthwort was flowering but the hot weather has not been kind to the flowers and only a couple were in good condition. My next stop was for ladybirds mostly 16 spot well over a 100 and singles of pointed keeled, 24 spot, 10 spot and cream streaked. I then headed to see the Military orchids just starting to flower nicely. I had a few pine ladybirds here and a tree pipit but not much else.
Tuesday 26th - North Norfolk
I headed to North Norfolk after work, first to Salthouse for the May lily, the first few were starting to flower, but it looked as some may suffer with the very dry conditions. Target done so I had plenty of time and headed to Beeston common for a wander, plenty of nice sights, southern marsh orchids, bogbean, ragged robin, lesser stitchwort in perfect condition. I watched some three spined sticklebacks in a stream including a male guarding a nest. A small slow worm succumbed to a magpie, some muntjac and a nice Keeled skimmer
All finished off with an ice cream before heading home.
I went to bed early being on early shift at the moment, my wife woke me about 1am, a badger was in the garden illuminated by the moth traps very nice.
Sunday 24th - Dorset Dash
I spent the day in Dorset well away from the crowds looking for insects rather unsuccessfully. I did find some hairy, brassica and woundwort shieldbugs, 14 spot ladybirds, goldenrod crab spider, pointed keeled ladybird, dock bug, cocksfoot moth
Other sightings included a cracking barn owl a cuckoo, an adder, common lizard and two slow worms and 4 Spot chaser.
I found an ice cream on the way home and made a brief stop near home to see the local white helleborines which were just starting to go over.
Friday 22nd - Pre Work Wander
I had a quick look round for ladybirds pre work in the Brecks, 5 species 7, 14, 16, 24 spot and Pointed Keeled ladybird and A rufous-shouldered longhorn beetle was a nice bonus despite the far from ideal conditions. Fine leaved sandwort, small alison and slender thistle of botanical interest, but the pick a bit further afield was some henbane in perfect condition.
Tuesday 19th - Bugs,Butterflies, Voles and Vipers
A quick photo shoot with a rescued field vole before its release, before I headed to the Lee Valley before the crowds arrived. With no one about I quickly found my target, the recently discovered Minstrel Shieldbug. I headed off hopping over the river into Kent where I had a couple of hours looking for butterflies small and common blues, dingy and grizzled skippers, large white, brimstone, green hairstreak, small copper. There were plenty of day flying moths to add to the mix lace border the pick and a couple of nice adders basking in the shade, all very nice shame I had to drag myself off to work I could have stayed all day.
Sunday 17th - Aquatic Antics
After a nice lie in it was off to Norfolk where I was hunting for the large red belted clearwing. I hung up some lures and waited but nothing so I relocated to another area. A cuckoo, roe deer and grass snake kept me entertained as I waited for the clearwings to come to my lure, but come they did and I eventually managed some photos. I headed to Norwich where water shrews have been performing. One put in an appearance and I had some nice views of this insectivore missile. Supported by grass snake and water voles it finished off a nice afternoon.
Saturday 16th - An Orchid Orgy
After work I once again headed to the Brecks for a couple of hours. A mixture of ladybirds and botany was on the menu. A nice selection of plants included parsley piet, field mouse ear, spring beauty, common houndstongue. But ladybirds were harder to come by, cream streaked and pine the only ladybirds found. But it was lovely to be out and about on a beautiful afternoon.
An early start and I was in Kent, it was a 15 species Orchid fest, starting with the uber rare Ochreluca fly orchid along with Greater butterfly (in bud), fly, lady, common twayblade, common spotted (in bud), white helleborine and early purple.
Monkey was the next target and they were just breaking into flower.
The next stop added Late Spider and Man then early spider at another site along with my first common blue of the year and a slow worm on one of the tracks.
With Duke of burgundy next on the menu the sun co-operated and conditions were perfect, half a dozen seen easily including some still in nice condition. Plenty of moths present including the cracking white spotted and wavy sables and slow worm and common lizards seen.
Another woodland stop to add Lesser butterfly and broad leaved helleborine (just leaves) to the list.
A roadside stop added Lizard orchids (still in leaf) and then onto Marden Meadow for the Green Winged orchid spectacular to finish. A cracking day.
Friday 15th - Back to the Brecks II
After work I once again headed to the Brecks for a couple of hours. A mixture of ladybirds and botany was on the menu. A nice selection of plants included parsley piet, field mouse ear, spring beauty, common houndstongue. But ladybirds were harder to come by, cream streaked and pine the only ladybirds found. But it was lovely to be out and about on a beautiful afternoon.
Thursday 14th - Back to the Brecks
With lock down easing I headed to the Brecks after work, somewhere I usually go to a lot as it is only 15 mins from work. I picked secluded places that hardly anyone else would go to, apart from some quad bikers illegally riding! At my first stop I was ladybird hunting but had no luck but did get gorse shieldbugs and Adela reaumurella moths. My second site was more productive with pine and cream streaked ladybirds and a and juniper shieldbug. My third stop produced Pine Scymnus and red headed ladybirds and some corn spurrey. Next I took a walk along a forest ride where I have seen green hairstreak before, I had no luck but did see the first small coppers of the year, a Pammene rhediella and several pretty distant muntjacs and roe deer. My last stop was in Lakenheath where the chip shop was open so I took advantage. A very productive afternoon in the pleasant sunshine.
Chips - Historic Fish and Chips, Lakenheath - Saveloy and Chips 7/10
Friday 8th - Weekly Sightings
Again mostly incidental sightings on my commute to and from work and local wanderings but plenty of sightings. Mostly muntjac they seem to be everywhere as I drive home at dusk. In my little nature reserve its a chorus of birdsong, plenty of chiffchaffs and blackcaps, insects are abundant, the holly blues have finally allowed me some photos. Plenty of camera trap sightings of badger, fox, polecat and muntjac. I put a few mammal traps down in my reserve and had a good catch, 4 bank voles, 3 wood mice and a common shrew
The cat brought in a pygmy shrew unhurt, which was rescued and released safely. And a cuckoo in the garden was a nice surprise.
Moth trapping in the garden has again been dismal just Garden carpet, brimstone, common marbled carpet, treble lines, brindled pug of note. Plenty of local plants coming into flower poppy, wild clary, Swedish Whitebeam, broom, gorse and a few goldilocks buttercup micro species
Thursday 30th - Weekly Sightings
Again mostly incidental sightings on my commute to and from work and local wanderings but plenty of sightings. Mostly muntjac and but a tawny owl one evening was the highlight. In my nature reserve its been a quite week although the camera trap highlights continue with lots of badger, fox, polecat and muntjac. Moth trapping in the garden has again been dismal just toadflax brocade, shuttle shaped dart of note. Local plants were again all common species but Early Purple Orchid, Vipers bugloss, wild mignonette, biting stonecrop the pick.
A couple of local walks produced 14, 16 spot, harlequin, cream spotted, pointed keeled ladybirds along with a red legged shieldbug.
Friday 24th - Weekly Sightings
Again mostly incidental sightings on my commute to and from work and local wanderings but plenty of sightings. Mostly brown hares, muntjac and fallow deer but a tawny owl one evening was the highlight. In my nature reserve whitethroats have arrived and green veined whites and hairy dragonflies have emerged. The camera trap highlights continue with lots of badger, water vole, fox, and muntjac but a tawny owl with a mouse and another polecat sighting have been nice.
Moth trapping in the garden has been dismal just red chestnut, Hebrew character, brindled beauty, common pug, muslin moth, powdered quaker and pebble prominent. Local plants were again all common species but greater celandine, lords and ladies, thyme leaved speedwell, midland hawthorn were of note.
Soprano pipistrelles are now quite noticable in the village at dusk with several about most nights, and I caught a wood mouse in my garage.
A local walk produced three 10 spot ladybirds along with a Western conifer seed bug, dock bug, box bug and hairy shieldbug.
Friday 17th - Weekly Sightings
Incidental sightings on my commute to and from work and local wanderings but plenty of sightings. Lots of brown hares, muntjac and fallow deer but a water vole was the highlight. In my nature reserve blackcaps have arrived and a nice selection of butterflies present comma, brimstone, orange tip, small tortoiseshell, large white, holly blue, speckled wood and peacock. The first large red damselfly have emerged and at dusk common and soprano pipistrelle have been present. The camera trap highlights were badger, jay, water vole, fox.
Moth trapping in the garden was very quiet, early thorn, small quaker, common quaker, clouded drab, red chestnut, twin spoted quaker, brindled beauty and pebble prominent. Local plants were all common species but yellow archangel, primrose x cowslip hybrid were of note.
Some ladybird hunting proved fruitful with 5 species found within a couple of hundred yards from my house including a nice Forestier's Ladybird which I had not seen locally before. A Soprano pipistrelle was found in my drive unhurt but severly underweight, I fed it glucose solution and took it to a local bat carer and I will keep an eye on its progress.
Friday 10th - Weekly Sightings
Again mostly incidental sightings on my commute to and from work and local wanderings but plenty of nice sightings. buzzard, red kite, kestrel the highlights. In my nature reserve blackcaps have arrived and comma, brimstone, orange tip, small tortoiseshell and peacock and at dusk common and soprano pipistrelle. The camera trap highlights were badger, jay, water vole Moth trapping in the garden was quiet, streamer, common quaker, clouded drab, common pug, small quaker. Local plants Garlic mustard, greater stitchwort, alexanders, ragwort, sow thistle, yellow archangel, sow thistle, germander speedwell, cowslip, wall speedwell, field madder, charlock.
Friday 3rd - Weekly Sightings
Mostly incidental sightings on my commute to and from work but plenty of nice sightings. Barn owl, muntjac, fallow deer, brown hare, buzzard, red kite, kestrel the highlights. Also a sign that it is warming up was a soprano pipistrelle hunting in the garden on Thursday evening. But the best sighting of the week was a glimpse of a polecat in the private nature reserve I look after. I was working in there on Monday afternoon and disturbed it. So I put up a couple of trail cameras to see if I could confirm the ID, and I got some nice photos and 4 more mammals into the bargain badger, rabbit, muntjac and fox..
Read my latest article in the Spring Edition of Mammal News
Friday 27th - Fordham Woods
My pre-work walk was in Fordham woods a stone's throw from my work, the weather was spring like and the butterflies were in abundance 5 species in total, speckled wood, brimstone, comma, peacock and red admiral. Abundant birdsong was interrupted by the cronk of a raven as it flew over. scarlet elf cups were still fruiting alongside flowering marsh marigold in the spring sunshine.
Thursday 26th - Lower Woods
A pre work walk in Lower Woods which is on my commute, oxlips were starting to flower and the rides had sweet violets, greater stitchwort, dogs mercury, barren strawberry, wood anemone, lesser celandine all flowering nicely. great spotted woodpecker, chiffchaff the avian picks, the pond had spawning frogs and the only mammal was a grey squirrel in what was a pleasant walk.
Saturday 21st - Last Hoorah
Possibly my last non local day out for a while, I kept well away from people and the only person I interacted with was in the chipshop in Bala and they had distancing precautions. Although I went to North Wales and Snowdonia I went to places not popular with tourists and did not even see anyone at 3 out of my 4 stops let alone interact, that is proper social isolation. First stop was the Great Orme no one was about and the feral goats were just sitting by the side of the road at several points as were a pair of chough. Next stop was at Aberffraw that had a couple of dog walkers but they were quite some distance away, here I was searching for the tiny early sand grass, it was a little easier than I expected which was a relief. I popped into the Maltreath red squirrel feeding station, the car park was closed so I parked elsewhere along the road and had the place to myself, three nervous red squirrels visited along with a nice jay. Last stop was at Ganllwyd where at the waterfall there was no one so I had the Tunbridge filmy fern at this beautiful site to myself and headed home via Bala for chips.
Friday 20th - Lovely Lackford
With our new Covid-19 working patterns I had the afternoon to myself, so I headed to some local roadside nature reserves and eventually located some grape hyacinth along with plenty of other roadside plants. Next stop was Lackford lake which was quite busy but I kept well away from the famalies. I was here for bank voles and they obliged along with some grey squirrels. Birdwise marsh tit and snipe the highlight of my walk round. Last stop was at Weeting for some mezereon which was in full flower a nice finish to the afternoon.
Wednesday 18th - March Moths
Sunday 12th - Happy Herps
Saturday 14th - A bit Peaky
I spent the morning in the Peak district first stop was Miller's dale, here two dippers were on the stream but I was here for plants, it took a while but I eventually found some alternate leaved golden saxifrage amongst the more plentiful opposite leaved golden saxifrage. There was plenty of butterbur and some other early plants. My next stop was Monsal head, here last year in a terrible storm I managed to find Hutchinsia but did not manage a photo due to the conditions, the weather was better this morning and eventually I managed to find some for photos amongst the rue leaved saxifrage and hairy bittercress. Mandarin ducks and sparrowhawk of note here. My last stop of the morning was at Winnat's pass but I could not find any wall whitlow grass, probably too early. I headed to Oxfordshire for a family get together, stopping briefly for some cotswold pennycress on the way.
Chips - North Sea Fish Bar, Chesterfield - Burger and chips 8/10
Wednesday 11th - Cherry Hinton Check
Sunday 8th - Incredible Inkpen
Sunday 23rd - Dodging the Downpours
I Popped in at Stocking Springs Wood on my way home the wild daffodils were just starting to flower another week they should be much better. I just missed one deluge and they were quite difficult to mphotograph in the strong wind. I headed to Letchworth for lunch and for a quick walk to see the melanistic grey squirrels. Two put in an appearance as I photographed a few spring flowers and as the rain fell once more I headed home.
Friday 14th - General Sightings
With the poor weather and weekend working it has just been incidental sightings to and from work and at my work feeding station but there have been some nice ones, the best was a weasel complete with vole sp crossing the road one evening. grey squirrel, rabbit, brown hare and muntjac the only other mammals.It has been productive bird wise, little egrets in good numbers at work and large flocks of winter thrushes dodging the resident sparrowhawk. Barn owls, red kites, kestrels and buzzards are very visible at the moment on my commute.
Monday 3rd - Windy Welney
I had to go to Welney for another reason, but after I popped into the reserve. It was cold and windy a few Whooper swans present and as the water levels have dropped a bit since my last visit and the exposed mud attrated some waders and a water pipit. As I headed for home I spotted some whooper swans with a single Bewick's for company. Brown hares and a barn owl also spotted.
Friday 31st - Radnor Rocks
With news that the Radnor Lily was in flower I headed to mid Wales, as I arrived on site so did the rain but as the small group headed up the reserve path it stopped and the sun made the briefest appearance. There were three lilies in flower but only one really open, there was little else in flower apart for lesser celandine in the woods. I headed to Stratton where it was now raining heavily. The Great grey shrike was showing well in the small quarry/rubbish tip when I was soaked I called it a day and headed home.
Chips - Greedy's, Stow on the Wold Burger, mushy pea fritter and chips 8/10
Saturday 25th - Oh Otters!
Finally out and about after working lots this month. I was out later than I wanted and the weather was dull and overcast. I headed to the Brecks starting at Santon Downham, muntjac on the approach. Here the trees were full of siskins and I flushed a mandarin on the river. It was not long until I spotted two young otters on the bank and they were joined by their mother shortly after. I followed them for an hour until they entered one of their holts and had a bonus lesser spotted woodpecker and kingfisher as well not a bad couple of hours. I popped in to Lundford but it was a noisy family fest so I got some lunch bewfore heading to Lakenheath RSPB another muntjac on the access road. The reserve was quiet a few whooper swans and a great white egret the pick. I stopped at the feeders as I left to get a few photos of the water rail and headed for home, two muntjac a short way down the road in a field.
Chips - Historic Fish and Chips, Lakenheath - Saveloy and Chips 7/10
Friday 17th - Wonderful Work!
Apart from the 5th when I was ill I have been working solidly since the 2nd Jan so all my wildlife sightings have been during my drive to and from work and at work itself, despite that I have had some nice sightings. Muntjac, brown hare, kestrel, buzzard along with both tawny and barn owls. At work the little egret flock has grown to 12, while marsh tits, grey squirrels and rabbits are coming to my feeders.

Wednesday 1st - Wet Welney
I popped to a rather flooded Welney for a couple of hours on what was a rather misty and murky start to the year. The lunchtime swan spectacular feed had a total of 5 swans 2 of which were whoopers. There were plenty of Whoopers on Lady Fen and tree sparrows on the feeders and plenty of birds scattered about 51 species of bird and two mammal species, roe deer and grey squirrel seen in the few hours out and about.
No Chips on New Years Day they always seem to close up.
2019 Review
A pretty standard year and the first for over a deacde that I did not see 50 species in the UK only seeing 49 this year. Some nice encounters with a stoat, and a Leisler's bat were worth mentioning and I won't try for 50 this year as I think I have demonstrated that 50 species in a year is now easily acheivable if you want to, but I will keep a list as always.
Not a bad year with 230 species seen, considering how much effort I put in on other taxa. Some highlights were a flock of over 40 common cranes, waxwings, ivory gull, blue winged teal, black duck, pied billed grebe, white billed diver, buff breasted sandpiper to name a few. New species I caught up with were Brown Booby, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Paddyfield pipit and the cracking Tengmalm's Owl.
Other Wildlife and Trips
Following up on my other areas of interest I had a great year with some nice new Ladybirds the highlights were Horseshoe and Scmitts Scymnus, other highights were a Striped hawkmoth, Clifton Nonpariel. My 100 new plant project went well seeing well over 100 new species such as Pedunculate sea purslane, sea dafodil, heath lobelia, spreading bellflower, Snowdon lily and many more and I will try to do this again.
Trip wise it was busy with three weeks in South Africa where we had over 300 species of birds and 64 species of mammals, including some crackers like Serval, Cape Mountain zebra, Denham's Bustard, White Fronted Bee-eater and many more. .
A week in Scotland mainly for local specialities such as One flowered wintergreen, Purple Oxytropis and Azure hawker.
I also joined the Dutch Mammal Group for a survey trip to Bosnia where Parti Coloured Bat was the highlight.
We had a long weekend to Sicily where the orchids were the highlight. And a weekend to Gran Canaria for a few of the endemics.
Catch up with the 2019 blog
Upcoming Trips
Recent Trips
Articles etc.
2020 Targets
Green when Seen
Wish List
Green when Seen
2020 UK Mammal List (No Target This Year)
Green when photographed
500 UK Birds
100 New Plant Species Photo Project
2020 Bird Race
No Particular Order
The Chip Count
Chips 36 Fish 2 Fishcake Battered / Sausage 11 Saveloy 9 Spring Roll 1 Pickled Egg 3 Cheese and Onion Fritter 2 Mushy Peas / Fritter 8 Spam Fritter 1 Haggis 5 Mac n Cheese bites 3 Pizza Parmo 1 5 John BullOnion Rings 3
Ice Cream 11
2019 Total
Chips 42