Nashville and Tennessee 22nd 29th May 2004
A short business trip with a couple of days for birdwatching, the main targets were warblers I was hoping 15-20 lifers and about 100 species.
Saturday 22nd May
Upon arrival the previous night I rose early and drove to Cades Cove, in the Great Smoky Mountains. Due to a sports injury walking was difficult, so I took the auto tour and did not venture too far from the car. On recommendation by one of the wardens, the pool was visited but a few stops on Sparks Lane, tufted titmice were everywhere, I met another birdwatcher who pointed out some calls of tanagers and vireos but I was unable to find them, chipping sparrows were everywhere. I located an unusual sparrow, a Bachman’s and was confirmed by the other birder a rarity in these parts although he was familiar with them – a real find. Eastern bluebirds and meadow larks were common along Sparks Lane and I located a carolina wren turned onto the main route and pulled in at the vehicle no entry sign. Walked the short distance to the holding pool, there were 4 pairs of wood ducks with ducklings on the pool along with some canada geese, eastern phoebe and great crested flycatchers were flycatching from the fence, and a white tailed deer came close. I drove the rest of the route stopping occasionally to view deer and many common birds like white breasted nuthatch, Dark eyed Juncos, cardinals, pewees, indigo buntings and kingbirds. I stopped near the end of the tour at dusk, watching the deer and a coyote, barred owl and screech owl were calling but to far away and I could not locate hear whip a wills, but lots of fireflys were very conspicuous.
White Tailed Deer
Great Spotted Fritillary and Red Spotted Purple
Sunday 23rd May
At Newfound Gap, lots of house finches were around the car park and a yellow bellied sapsucker was easily located. A small flock of birds though mobile was eventually located they were pine siskins, nothing else of note so I moved on to the Sugarlands trail. A Wild turkey was walking along the side of the road, and along the Sugarlands trail a confiding ovenbird was along the calling, at the visitors car park american goldfinches and mockingbirds were abundant. I walked the Sugarlands visitor centre nature trail and only common species were located before the heavens opened. I drove back to Cades Cove and did another lap of the tour, lots of wrens were found on Sparks lane along. Carolina chickadees were common along Hyatt lane. A red breasted nuthatch was found on the Cades Cove nature trail.
Eastern Meadowlark
Smokey Mountains
Monday 24th May
A hard day of work allowed no birdwatching at all.
Tuesday 25th May
I only managed an hour in the afternoon at the hermitage a country house not far from the hotel, it was quite productive. A black and white warbler was obliging, tree swallows, chimney swifts joined the barn swallows in the air, brown thrashers were feeding their young in the bushes and on the lawns.
American Robin
Wednesday 26th May
I rose at dawn and went to Long Hunter State Park for 1.5 hours before breakfast, I was able to walk a lot more now and took the 2 mile trail around the lake, a green heron was located along with several great blue herons. Titmice and chickadees along with cardinals were abundant. Blue jays were being noisy and I located a family of yellow billed cuckoos in the bushes. Canada geese were on the lake with lots of goslings, and I stumbled upon a deer with a fawn and an orchard oriole. I walked the other trail 0.5 mile long eastern towhees were common.
White tailed Deer Fawn
I managed 1 hour in the evening at Radnor lake an excellent place and well worth the visit. A least bittern flew over the car park, american goldfinches and swallows were common, gnatcatchers and a least flycatcher were flycatching along the trail, deer were common and I located several bewick’s wren’s along the trail. I found three summer tanagers quite easily and as I passed across the wooden bridge a large bird flew past and perched 10 feet away, it was a barred owl and I perched until I left 10 mins later. A wood thrush and warbling vireo were drinking from the stream below and I located a strange pewee call, it was a flycatcher – yellow bellied. Over the lake along with the vultures an osprey and a broad winged hawk were soaring the thermals. A nondescript bird caught my eye and it flew up to a male scarlet tanager, it was the female she accepted food and flew to a youngster and fed it. There were lots of snakes and a muskrat.
Barred Owl
Common Watersnakes
Thursday 27th May
After a busy day I went to Mammoth Cave state park in the early evening, looking for blue winged and bay breasted warblers to no avail but lots of turkeys and an excellent pileated woodpecker. I went to Quarry road watchable wildlife area. A few paths lead from the car park, 20 mins here produced a pair of Blue Grosbeaks, bells vireo an excellent find and a scarlet tanager.
Pileated Woodpecker
Friday 28th May
Most of the day was spent on Lookout Mountain doing touristy things, a pair of groundhogs was the only thing of note. When I did start birding at Cravens house a massive thunderstorm started so I gave up and drove to the Pot house a field studies centre. Here I waited until the rain stopped. The birdibng was excellent yellow throated warbler and red eyed vireo from the car park, the house opposite had a hummingbird feeder to which 8-10 ruby throats were feeding off and on. Northern flicker and downy woodpeckers battled with a summer tanager for the prime singing post. Chickadees and gnatcatchers were everywhere and I located an american redstart but no cerrulean warblers which was the main objective.
Common Grackle
Saturday 29th May
The last day was a dawn start at Chester frost park, mockingbirds and chickadees were abundant and barn swallows were collecting mud from a puddle, the first song sparrows of the trip were singing from a bush. A yellow throated warbler was conspicuous, and I got excellent views of a pine warbler. I eventually located one of my goals two brown headed nuthatches on a pine tree. The park was alive with birds, cardinals, grackles, thrashers, mourning doves, cowbirds, crows, jays, robins, bluebirds, goldfinches, gnatcatchers, house finches to name but a few. I eventually found my goal a red headed woodpecker. I had one last stop before getting my flight. I went to the Brained Levee, a small marsh area green herons and great blue herons were very common here, some mallards and their ducklings were on the marsh. The other side of the park is a field area bounded by a river which produced field birds, meadowlarks, doves, starlings, grackles etc. Barn swallows, sand martins and cliff swallows were over the marsh, and lots of kildeer were abundant along the waters edge. A hooded warbler was on the wood edge and a belted kingfisher the last bird of the trip. 17 lifers and 82 species was not to bad for a short business trip.
Mocking bird
Directions and more info on the birding sites I visited can be found at
Or in two books Kentucky Wildlife Viewing guide ISBN 1-56044-304-9 and Tennessee Viewing Guide ISBN 1-56044-186-0.
Yellow bellied flycatcher, Bachman’s sparrow, bells vireo.
Not many warblers I only found 6 species, no yellow throated vireo.
Mammals / Reptiles - 12
Grey Squirrel |
Fox Squirrel |
White Tailed Deer |
Coyote |
Red Squirrel |
Groundhog |
Musk Rat |
Eastern Chipmunk |
Racoon |
Common Watersnake |
Black Kingsnake |
Unidentified Snake |
Birds 82
Least Bittern |
Green Heron |
Great Blue Heron |
Canada Goose |
Wood Duck |
Mallard |
Black Vulture |
Turkey Vulture |
Osprey |
Broad Winged Hawk |
Feral Pigeon |
Mourning Dove |
Yellow Billed Cuckoo |
Barred Owl* |
Kildeer |
Ruby Throated Hummingbird |
Red headed Woodpecker* |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Yellow Belled Sapsucker |
Pileated Woodpecker |
Belted Kingfisher |
Chimney Swift |
Northern Flicker |
Eastern Pewee |
Yellow Bellied Woodpecker |
Least Flycatcher |
Eastern Phoebe |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Eastern Kingbird |
Tree Swallow |
Bank Swallow |
Barn Swallow |
Cliff Swallow |
Blue Jay |
American Crow |
Carolina Chickadee* |
Tufted titmouse* |
Red breasted Nuthatch |
White Breasted Nuthatch |
Brown Headed Nuthatch* |
Carolina Wren |
Bewick’s Wren* |
Blue Grey Gnatcatcher |
Wood Thrush* |
Brown Thrasher |
European Starling |
Eastern Bluebird |
Northern Mockingbird |
Warbling Vireo |
Red Eyed Vireo |
Bells Vireo* |
Pine Warbler* |
Yellow Throated Warbler* |
American Redstart |
Ovenbird |
Black and white warbler* |
Summer tanager* |
Scarlet Tanager* |
Northern Cardinal |
Indigo Bunting |
Eastern Towhee |
Eastern Meadowlark |
Bachman’s Sparrow* |
Chipping Sparrow |
Song Sparrow |
Dark Eyed Junco |
Red Winged blackbirds |
Common Grackle |
Brown headed Cowbird |
Orchard Oriole |
House Finch |
Pine siskin* |
House Sparrow |
Blue Grosbeak* |
American Robin |
Hooded Warbler* |
Willow Flycatcher |
American Goldfinch |
Wild Turkey* |
Brown Thrasher |
Lark Sparrow |